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  • Writer's pictureInge Hunter

The Two Biggest Problems I Hear On Instagram

As you know I have been in the Instagram game for a while now and the two biggest problems or concerns that people come to me with is either that their account isn’t growing or that they aren’t getting enough engagement. So let me address the two of these with the same solutions.

Firstly, if your account isn’t growing and you aren’t getting engagement then I would initially look at whether you are being consistent. As with anything in our lives we have to practise and work at things in order to get results. This goes for going to the gym, learning to knit, riding a bicycle, doing a cartwheel. Whichever task or goal that it is that you want to achieve you have to be consistent to get there. This means posting every day, doing stories every day and engaging with other people everyday.

Being consistent tends to solve a lot of the account growth problems and engagement problems that I hear a lot but if you are consistent and you are still not seeing the account growth or engagement increase then the next place I would look at is your content.

Firstly, are you talking to the right person? Are you specifically directing your posts towards one person, offering them some value advice, maybe a bit of a story to encourage them to feel as though you are a go to person, to come and follow you, to engage with you.

Secondly, are you making sure that those posts are interesting enough or that your stories are interesting enough. Are you being helpful, are you sharing exciting or controversial topics to discuss? Are you creating conversations? Are you being yourself? Are you giving them an opportunity to engage back with you? Are you using the stickers in stories to increase engagement? Are you including a Call To Action at the end of all your posts? Are you going out to start conversations with people in order to create some engagement in your account?

I would look at what you are putting out there before judging or worrying or complaining about whether people are coming to find you and talk to you. We must always look inwards before we look outwards to figure out why something isn’t working. You are not in control of the algorithm or who sees your posts or how they may feel about seeing your posts on that particular day but one thing is for sure is that if you are staying consistent you are encouraging conversation, you are sharing things that are specific to the right person you want to talk to and you are being yourself and giving people opportunities and reason to follow you and engage with you then the account growth and engagement problems will start to disappear. It is just like building a habit. You have to keep at it, you have to keep going with it purposefully in order to get to where you want to be.

If you are interested in having some eyes on what you are specifically doing you are always more than welcome to book in an account review for £37 where we can go over specifically what you are and what you are not doing to grow your own account.

This is the link to book.


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